"Trend and Pattern of Aged Sex Ratio in Karnataka: A Geographical Analysis"
Trend, Pattern, Aged Sex Ratio, Karnataka, Geographical AnalysisAbstract
Sex ratio in Karnataka is becoming adverse to women, but is favourable for women, when aged sex ratio is noticed. It is because of difference in the life expectancy of different sexes, which leads to feminization at older ages. It shows that female aged population has been increasing drastically than their male counter-part. As a result of this trend the aged sex ratio has been at a faster rate increasing decade by decade but widely differs among different taluks or different spatial units. It is in this context, the present paper is an endeavour to analyse the spatio¬temporal patterns of old age sex ratio in Karnataka taking taluk as an unit of analysis based on secondary data. Choropleth technique is used for mapping. The study reveals that the state has higher elder sex ratio than the general sex ratio, from 1971-2001.
Census of India 1971 and 2001.
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