Vol. 3 No. 1 (2004): Mapana Journal of Sciences
Research Articles

Maran's theorem (New theorem) on Right-angled triangle

A. K. Maran
CSIR - H.Qrs, New Delhi

Published 2021-08-26


  • Geometry,
  • Triangle and its related theorems,
  • Pythagoras theorems I and II,
  • Appollonius theorem and Euclid's theorems I and II,
  • American mathematical society subject classification index,
  • Maran's theorem
  • ...More


In Geometric, right-angled triangle is One Of the two—dimensional plane having
three sides With one Of its angle is 9C and whk-h is important to solve problems
related to Geometry and sometimes in Other subiect os well. Some fundamental
concept 'theorems Of triangles are required to solve such problems and such
theorems cre Pythagoras theorern' Pythagoras theorern (ii0 Appollonius
theorem Euclids theorem' and (v) Eucli&s 20 theorem (Altitude theorem).3
I n addition to these, the author attempted to develop a new theorem related to
right-angled triangle (Maran's theorem of right-angled triangle). The new theorem
have been discussed and proved With relevant examples.