Vol. 4 No. 1 (2005): Mapana Journal of Sciences
Research Articles

A Simple Solution for Diophantine Equations of Second, Third and Fourth Power

A. K. Maran
CSIR - H.Qrs, New Delhi

Published 2005-09-12


We know already that the set Of positive integers, which are satisfying the Pythagoras
equation Of three variables and four variables cre called Pythagorean triples and
quadruples respectively. These cre Diophantine equation OF second power. The all
unknowns in this Pythagorean equation have already Seen by mathematicians
Euclid and Diophantine. Hcvwever the solution defined by Euclid are Diophantine
is also again having unknowns. The only to solve the Diophantine equations
wos and error method. Moreover, the trial and error method to obtain these
values are not so practical and easy especially for time bound work, since the
Diophantine equations are having more than unknown variables.