Published 2024-12-23
- Assistance,
- Transformative technology,
- Real-time translation,
- User- friendly,
- Rapid assistance
- Health awareness,
- Navigation,
- Fingerspelling ...More
Copyright (c) 2024

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HelenHands, an Android application Tool, offers a range of features, including the Virtual White Cane for spatial awareness, Let's Chat for real-time sign language translation, SOS Reach for emergency assistance, and the Wellness Aware-Enabler for promoting proactive health behaviours. We outline a step-by-step illustration of the stage-wise breakdown given in the approach. In summary, our process includes six stages, each focusing on the mechanism and
interaction of a particular tool. The results of the machine learning models were also promising, particularly concerning the Let's Chat ministry and the translation of fingerspelled characters to their text equivalent in real-time. The outcomes of this research show progress in the use of technology to increase accessibility and improve user experiences in populations with diverse needs. This paper on HelenHands, is a part of how technology can be another factor in enhancing diversity and inclusion in digital contexts.
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