HR Challenges in Big Data


  • Pala SuriyaKala
  • Ravi Aditya



Human resources is traditionally an area subject to measured changes but with Big data, data analytics, Human capital Management, Talent acquisition and performance metrics as new trends, there is bound to be a sea change in this function. This paper is conceptual and tries to introspect and outline the challenges that HRM faces in Big Data. Big Data is as one knows the world of enormous generation which is revolutionizing the world with data sets at exabytes. This has been the driving force behind how governments, companies and functions will come to perform in the decades to come. The immense amount of information if properly utilized can lead to efficiency in various fields like never before. But to do this the cloud of suspicion, fear and uncertainty regarding the use of Big Data has to be removed from those who can use it to the benefit of their respective areas of application.HR traditionally has never been very data centric in the analysis of its decisions unlike marketing, finance, etc.




How to Cite

SuriyaKala, P., & Aditya, R. (2016). HR Challenges in Big Data. Ushus Journal of Business Management, 15(2), 49-55.