An Empirical Analysis of Training Facilities in Micro-Small-Medium Enterprises (MSME) for Self-Help Groups (SHG)
Micro-Small-Medium Enterprises, Self-Help Group, Development Oriented SkillsAbstract
The article presents the findings from the study on the training facilities in Micro-Small-Medium Enterprises (MSME) for Self-Help Groups (SHG) in the Union Territory of Puducherry region. The research variables were adopted in accordance to the legal provisions of SHG. Primary data of 127 random sample of MSMEs was collected through a survey method using structured questionnaire. Results show that 63% of the MSME has not undertaken any training for their suppliers, while a good proportion of the companies consisting of 15.7% have provided between 1-2 trainings. The study argues that the policy maker should identify large number of economically development-oriented skills and include them in training programmes to encourage increased development of microenterprises.
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