Impediments to Corporate Entrepreneurship

Evidence from Employees of Emerging Organisations in Construction and Manufacturing Industries in Gwanda Town, Zimbabwe


  • Takupiwa Nyanga Julius Nyerere School of Social Sciences, Great Zimbabwe University (GZU), Zimbabwe



Corporate Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Creativity


Corporate entrepreneurship plays a critical role in organizational systems. The study explored the challenges faced by corporate entrepreneurs in developing economies. The qualitative study revealed that corporate entrepreneurship in small and large corporations encounters impediments that hinder the generation of new ideas and lead to stagnation. The major impediments are corporate culture, unavailability of material and financial resources, fear of the unknown, incompetent employees, unavailability of corporate entrepreneurship legislation and policies, lack of goodwill and support from management and risk adversity on the part of the board of directors, management and employees.


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How to Cite

Nyanga, T. (2021). Impediments to Corporate Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Employees of Emerging Organisations in Construction and Manufacturing Industries in Gwanda Town, Zimbabwe. Ushus Journal of Business Management, 19(1), 1-14.