Psychological Safety and Employee Voice in IT Sector: Parallel Mediation Effect of Affective Commitment and Intrinsic Motivation


  • Devi Soumyaja School of Management Studies, University of Science and Technology, Cochin
  • Jeeva Kuriakose University of Science and Technology, Cochin



Psychological Safety, Intrinsic motivation


The study is an attempt to explain the relationship of
psychological safety on employee voice behaviour by
examining the mediating role of affective commitment
and intrinsic motivation. A questionnaire was distributed
amongst 161 IT professionals through convenience
sampling. Mediation Analysis was used to find the effect
of the mediators in influencing the relationship between
psychological safety and prosocial voice. The result
suggested psychological safety is parallelly mediated by
both affective commitment and intrinsic motivation,
leading to employee prosocial voice. Intrinsic motivation
was found to have a greater mediating effect than
affective commitment.


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How to Cite

Soumyaja, D. ., & Kuriakose, J. . (2020). Psychological Safety and Employee Voice in IT Sector: Parallel Mediation Effect of Affective Commitment and Intrinsic Motivation. Ushus Journal of Business Management, 19(4), 1-17.