A Casual Study on Impact of Green HRM Practices on Organisation Sustainability
Sustainability, Green HR, EnvironmentAbstract
Nowadays, our business environment has changed its
view from a traditional financial perspective to
competency based and strategic based perspective. The
green movement across the world has given birth to the
concept of Green HRM. The concept became popular
owing to the issues in the present business world, ranging
from excessive consumption of natural resources, carbon
credits, global warming, to pollution. All these results in
serious industrial accidents decrease in life span, changes
in climate, etc. In general, Green HR deals with practicing
all HR activities with environment-friendly concerns.
This, in turn, helps in the sustainability of businesses as
well as the employees. Nevertheless, there is a wide crack
between the HRM and environmental facets. Therefore
there is an emerging requirement for research in
articulating green HR approaches and their suggestions
on general business execution. The reason behind this
investigation is to talk about the ideas of green HRM and
its impact on organisation sustainability with the help of
extensive review of the literature.
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