HR 20/20: Developing future-ready HR Capabilities


  • Sathiyaseelan Balasundaram School of Business and Management, Christ University



HR 20/20


The rapid evolution of technology is having a significant
impact on work, workplaces and the HR function. The
function is under demand to address a range of questions
that includes adding strategic value, greater use of
technology in HR processes, and making the workforce
more agile. In the first part, the paper provides a
conceptual overview of the complex forces of change
impacting workplaces, work and HR. Next, current
literature and industry reports have been reviewed to
offer insights on how companies could choose different
approaches to respond to these complex forces of change -
Pathfinding HR, Searching HR, and Disconnected HR.
Finally, the paper makes recommendations on the four
HR capabilities - workforce shaping, passing the culture
test, employee experience by design and workforce
insights - companies need to develop to be future-ready.


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How to Cite

Balasundaram, S. . (2020). HR 20/20: Developing future-ready HR Capabilities. Ushus Journal of Business Management, 19(4), v-xviii.