

  • Dippi Verma CHRIST (Deemed to be University)




Green Finance, Financial Inclusion, Inclusive Green Finance, Policy Regulators, Vulnerable Groups


Until recently, the academic and policy literature has predominantly treated green finance and financial inclusion as separate and disconnected concepts. Nevertheless, this research reveals significant intersections between these facets of finance. It becomes evident that the demographic groups at the forefront of financial inclusion efforts are often at greater risk from the consequences of both local and global environmental shifts. Simultaneously, these groups also play a vital role in efforts to mitigate environmental change. Consequently, It is required to advocate a comprehensive strategy that integrates green finance and financial inclusion policies into a unified framework known as integrated inclusive green finance (IGF).


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How to Cite

Verma, D. (2023). Editorial. Ushus Journal of Business Management, 22(1), v-xiv. https://doi.org/10.12725/ujbm.62.0