Are We Nodding for the Noodles? – An Empirical Evidence among the Bengaluru Youth
Packaged Food, Ready to Cook, Noodle, Brand, ConsumerAbstract
Noodles available in numerous brands and variants have become popular nowadays in the Indian markets. However, there were setbacks for this industry owing to the blacklist of a few brands by the state authorities and the consequent boycott of those brands by the general public. In this context, this study intends to investigate the factors which affect the purchase decision of consumers of Packaged Foods, especially the Ready-To-Cook noodles. The consumption patterns of the consumers in terms of taste, convenience and availability are also examined. This exploratory research has been done among the Bengaluru youth in the age group of 20-30 years, and the influence of five major players in this segment - Maggi, Yippee, Ching’s, Top Ramen and Knorr are explored. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used to understand the differences and variations among the brands. The paper concludes that Ready-To-Cook noodles has not yet got the acknowledgement and acceptance among the youth, though there is an immense potential for growth in this segment in the future. Critical factors that influence the buying decision of consumers are convenience, taste and availability. Consumers believe that noodles category should include more variety at reasonable and affordable prices, which will cater to the demand of this product in future. However, the brands in this study perform satisfactorily on the factors selected. And Maggi is perceived to be the best brand of noodle in terms of price, and Knorr in terms of its variety.
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