The Social Perspective of Tourism in review of Sustainability and Carrying Capacity: A Synthesis of Observations and Convictions.


  • K.L Ajay
  • Deleep Devasia



Tourism is an authoritative branch in the socio-economic expansion in present-day epochs, backing diverse ways and reinforces the inter-connected processes. The development of tourism prompts changes, directly or
indirectly in the social atmosphere of a destination. Changes in the social and economic fabric of particular towns, regions and even countries can be attributed directly to the advent of tourism and tourists. In light of
these aspects, the social carrying capacity approaches involve using attitudes and tolerance levels of the host
population to set limits on tourism development. This paper is a theoretical approach that throws light to the
sociological perception of tourism with respect to carrying capacity thereby integrating the contemplations
and criticisms regarding this subject.




How to Cite

Ajay, K., & Devasia, D. (2015). The Social Perspective of Tourism in review of Sustainability and Carrying Capacity: A Synthesis of Observations and Convictions. Atna Journal of Tourism Studies, 10(2), 45-58.