Guidelines for Reviewers

Ethical Guidelines for Reviewers

  • Reviewers should read and understand the publication ethics policy of our journal and guidelines for submissions documents. Reviewers may not accept the invitation to review a research work if they do not agree to the ethics policy of the journal or find the work submitted for review not relevant to their area of expertise.
  • Reviewers should maintain the confidentiality of their work. Reviewers should not attempt to identify the author of a research work submitted for review and should maintain their anonymity.
  • Reviewers should communicate well with the editors and publisher. Reviewers may approach the editors if they have any queries regarding the journal and its policies.
  • Reviewers should assess a work honestly, rigorously and objectively. Use of unprofessional or subjective language should be avoided in the review report. The review report should be sent to the editor within 28 days from the receipt of the research work for review.
  • Reviewers should be ready to review the research work they reviewed earlier. The review report should be sent to the editor within 28 days from the receipt of the research work for review.
  • The reviewers may suggest changes and report any ethical misconduct to the editors. The author's reworked papers may be sent to them for reconsideration.