Occupational Stress among Team Leaders Working in IT Companies in Bangalore
occupational stress, team leadors, IT sectorAbstract
The research aims to measure occupational stress of team leaders working at IT companies in Bangalore. The study also focuses on assessing the levels of occupational stress on four socio demographic factors i.e. age, gender, marital status and working hours. A sample of 100 team leaders working in three different IT companies were studied using occupational stress index by AP Singh and AK Srivastava. The results showed that 52% of the respondents have low occupational stress and 48% of the respondents have high occupational stress. There is no significant difference between male and female executions with respect to occupational stress. The team leaders who are above the age of 30 years tend to experience higher occupational stress than the team leaders who are under the age of 30 years. Team leaders who are divorced have higher occupational stress than the others .Team leaders who work more than 10 hours per day experience higher occupational stress than team leaders who work less than ten hours.
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