Trends and Overall Growth Analysis of Cashewnut Cultivation in Kerala
Growth trend, Cashewnut, Crop output, Overall growth, Real growth, Monetary growthAbstract
Even in the 21st century, agriculture is the major source of livelihood for majority of Indian population. But agricultural sector is under the big threat of economic reforms like liberalization and modernization of economy. The agrarian economy of Kerala could not exclude from the drastic hitting of the liberalization, privatization and globalization reforms; farmers of the state began to think that there is no other way to sustain their life. Cashewnut is one of the major cash crop became the victim of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG) reforms. The export of agricultural produce make it difficult to get a better price for cashewnut and so many diseases are also contributing in the crisis of this cultivation. The area under cashew cultivation has started coming down over the years and the decline in area and yield growth rate was responsible for the negative growth rate in production for cashewnut and the share of real components is negative for the overall growth of output of this crop compared to monetary components and unless there are concerted efforts by the government to create awareness among cashew growers on scientific cultivation methods, there will be a conversion of cashew plantations into rubber plantations.
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