Women’s Education: A Reading of Early Malayalam Magazines
Culture, History, Women, Magazines, Education, Kerala, ModernityAbstract
This work analyses discussions on women‟s education (formal and informal) in Malayalam magazines from the late 19th and early 20th century and demonstrates how these discussions were instrumental in imagining a new figure of the Malayali woman. The work provides a cultural history of Malayali women‟s education through this analysis and probes the nuances of what it meant to get educated for the Malayali women. While developmental discourse on Kerala tends to provide a linear and celebratory account of women‟s educational progress in the state, this article tries to show that progress was not easy: women had to prove that education was necessary, and that education would not lead them astray, that education would not take them away from the space of the domestic, that women could work in spaces outside the family.
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