SWOT Analysis of Eco-Labels and their Projection on Sustainability Spectrum: A Theoretical Evaluation of Destination India


  • Shamima Akhter
  • M A Darzi




Most of the organisations in India follow contemporary practices of sustainable development but very few have obtained 'green' certifications, and tourism industry is no exception.  A  booming  economy,  with  a  population  of over  1.2  billion,  India's  infrastructure  constructions  are soaring, resulting in a depletion of rare flora and fauna species  and  an  increase  in  pollution  of  water  bodies. Against  the  backdrop  of  these  three  constituents,  this paper  presents  a  SWOT  analysis  of  three  important ecolabels which covers almost all sectors of the tourism industry.  Further,  an  evaluation  of  this  ecolabel implementation  in  India  is  done  through  sustainability spectrum vis-a-vis sustainability positions.

Author Biography

M A Darzi

Most of the organisations in India follow contemporary practices of sustainable development but very few have obtained 'green' certifications, and tourism industry is no exception.  A  booming  economy,  with  a  population  of over  1.2  billion,  India's  infrastructure  constructions  are soaring, resulting in a depletion of rare flora and fauna species  and  an  increase  in  pollution  of  water  bodies. Against  the  backdrop  of  these  three  constituents,  this paper  presents  a  SWOT  analysis  of  three  important ecolabels which covers almost all sectors of the tourism industry.  Further,  an  evaluation  of  this  ecolabel implementation  in  India  is  done  through  sustainability spectrum vis-a-vis sustainability positions.




How to Cite

Akhter, S., & Darzi, M. A. (2013). SWOT Analysis of Eco-Labels and their Projection on Sustainability Spectrum: A Theoretical Evaluation of Destination India. Atna Journal of Tourism Studies, 8(2), 75-98. https://doi.org/10.12727/ajts.10.5