The Impact of COVID-19 Risk Perceptions on Travel Intention of Young Domestic Tourists in Kerala
COVID-19, Risk Perceptions, Travel Intention, Young Domestic Tourists, SEMAbstract
The COVID-19 pandemic created a significant impact all over the world, specifically on the travel and tourism industry, which is an important economic contributor and highly sensitive to shocks like these pandemics. The impact of reduced mobility is highly reflected in the tourism industry, and countries across the world are trying to develop measures to ensure the recovery of the sector. So it is important to understand the attitude and perceptions of consumers to gain an insight into the change in travel intentions amidst the pandemic. The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of COVID-19 risk perceptions of young tourists in Kerala on travel intentions during the pandemic. Understanding the travel intentions in the current pandemic scenario is of paramount importance as strategies are needed to regain the confidence of tourists. This study has analysed the influence of financial risks, health risks, travel risks and psychological risks on travel intention, wherein health risks, travel risks and psychological risks were identified to influence travel intention. The health risk has influenced travel intentions, followed by travel risk and psychological risk.
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