Analysing Moderating Effects of Demographic Variables on Customer Satisfaction: A Study of Quick Service Restaurant
Demographic Variable, Service Quality, Price, Customer Satisfaction, QSRAbstract
Customers' perceptions of service quality are essential for service companies' survival in today’s challenging business environment. While much research has been conducted on service quality, relatively few have examined how demographic variables influence the connection between the quality of service and price on customer satisfaction in the fast-food outlets or what is now known as Quick Service Restaurant (QSR). The present study attempts to gain a deeper insight into the association of Customer Satisfaction (CS) with Service Quality (SQ) and Pricing (value). Simultaneously, the current study also explores how the demographic variables moderate the relationship between the constructs described above.
It is a quantitative research that used a standardized, self-administered online questionnaire and a random sample technique to collect data from 360 customers of QSR in India. SPSS and Smart PLS were used to analyze the data obtained. Smart PLS was used to ascertain the impact of price and SQ on CS and the effect of moderating variables.
The finding suggests that both price and SQ have a positive and significant relation with CS. The demographic variables moderate the relationship between price and customer satisfaction; however, only income moderates the relationship between SQ and CS. These results suggest that restaurant QSR managers/owners should strengthen Service Quality to enhance Customer Satisfaction. Hence, the manager/owner should provide value for money and quality service to their customer to satisfy them.
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