Assessing the Impact of Destination Image in the Selection of a Destination: Mediating Role of e-WOM
Destination Image, e-WOM, Destination Selection, Infrastructure, Enjoyment, AttractionAbstract
The purpose of this study is to investigate the association between destination image, e-WOM, and destination selection. In addition, this study intends to examine the role of e-WOM as a mediator in the relationship between destination image and destination choice. On the basis of earlier research, a pilot study was conducted to establish the instrument's validity and reliability.A descriptive research design and a positivist approach were applied to the present investigation. A sample of 380 valid questionnaires was analyzed for the present study. To obtain data from travellers who visited Kashmir Valley, the convenience sample technique was used. SPSS.20 and AMOS software were utilised for data analysis. Using AMOS software and the Structured Equation Modelling (SEM) methodology, the stated assumptions were tested. The analysis indicated that the image of a destination has a significant impact on tourist destination selection. In addition, the results demonstrated that e-WOM mediates the relationship between destination image and destination choice.
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