Hospitality Education and Industry Linkages: A Systematic Literature Network Analysis
Hospitality Education, Tourism Industry, Industry Alignment, Industry Linkage, Academia Collaboration, Industry PartnershipsAbstract
The purpose of the study was to identify key themes, research gaps, and influential authors, as well as to examine the evolution of research and the quality and rigor of existing literature on hospitality education and its industry linkage. For this, a systematic literature network analysis, comprising a systematic literature review using the PRISMA framework, bibliometric analysis using R programming, network analysis, and thematic analysis was performed. The findings revealed that the most important clusters of research in this area are related to curriculum development, work-integrated learning, and industry partnerships. The review explored the importance of industry-academic collaboration, challenges, curriculum development, and employability as four main themes in the area of industrial linkage in hospitality education. As indicated by researchers, the review suggests the effectiveness of different approaches to industry-academia collaboration in hospitality education, the impact of industrial linkage on the quality of hospitality education in several regions, the role of technologies in enhancing the collaboration between academia and industry in hospitality education, and the development of a sustainable curriculum that incorporates environmental, social, and economic sustainability in hospitality education as future research areas.
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