Festival and Urban Space: A Systematic Literature Review
literature review, festivals, public space, urban design, kinetic cityAbstract
Festival studies is not only an important field of research for tourism or event industry but is also critical for an architectural and urban design field. Due to the amount of the progress done in this field by many inter-disciplinary areas, the subsequent corpus of research on festivals appears to be relatively disintegrated. Through a systematic literature review (SLR) from 2000 to 2021, this paper examined festivals studies from tourism to urban design disciplines. In this paper, descriptive and thematic analysis were carried out to analyse the state of existing research in order to understand the concept of festival studies. The purpose is to describe a SLR that intends to establish the knowhow on festival spaces and try to explore the advancement in the field and deliver potential research directions. The corpus thus helps us in establishing the topic which is very least investigated and would need more research on.
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