Nurturing Innovation: The Impact of Entrepreneurship Education on Entrepreneurial Intention


  • Shahzada Shahid Gulzar Department of Management Studies, University of Kashmir, South Campus, Jammu & Kashmir, India
  • Irfana Rashid Department of Management Studies, University of Kashmir, South Campus, Jammu & Kashmir, India



Entrepreneurial Intention, Entrepreneurship Education, Tourism, Theory of Planned Behaviour, Subjective Norms, Perceived Behavioural Control


Encouraging tourism and hospitality Students' entrepreneurial intention can assist them in turning their entrepreneurship knowledge into entrepreneurial activity, which will create more employment and have a positive economic impact. It is thus crucial to look at measures to strengthen the entrepreneurial mindset of tourism students, if we are to ensure the existing and future development of the tourism industry, as they are most likely going to be associated with the tourism industry in near future. Hence, the study is aimed to analyze the effect of Entrepreneurship Education, in addition to the TPB factors viz. Personal attitude, Subjective Norms and Perceived Behavioral Control, on the entrepreneurial intentions of tourism students. The population for the study comprised the students undergoing tourism studies in various educational institutes of J&k. The findings suggest that apart from the TPB factors, entrepreneurship education also plays a crucial role in shaping the entrepreneurial intention of tourism students.

Author Biography

Shahzada Shahid Gulzar, Department of Management Studies, University of Kashmir, South Campus, Jammu & Kashmir, India

Research Scholar

Department of Management Studies

University of Kashmir (South Campus)


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How to Cite

Shahzada Shahid Gulzar, & Irfana Rashid. (2024). Nurturing Innovation: The Impact of Entrepreneurship Education on Entrepreneurial Intention. Atna Journal of Tourism Studies, 19(2).