Carrying Capacity Assessment in Complex Systems: A Comprehensive Revisit with Enhanced Elements
Tourism Carrying Capacity, PCC, RCC, ECC, Correction Factors, Management capacitiesAbstract
The rapid growth of tourism necessitates sustainable resource management and effective strategies to ensure sustainable development and minimize detrimental impacts on destinations. By synthesizing existing research, this article contributes to a holistic understanding of Tourism Carrying Capacity (TCC) and its various components, aiding policymakers, planners, and stakeholders in making informed decisions for sustainable development. This research reviews CC assessment methods and formulas, focusing on Physical Carrying Capacity (PCC), Effective Carrying Capacity (ECC), and Real Carrying Capacity (RCC). Moreover, this study delves into the evolving notion of limiting factors, examining how factors such as infrastructure, resource availability, socio-cultural aspects, and environmental resilience interact to determine carrying capacity thresholds in various research realms. By synthesizing existing methodologies and formulas, this research bridges the gap between theoretical frameworks and practical implementation, fostering sustainable tourism practices that preserve natural and cultural assets while fostering economic growth. This work further advances the existing formula of TCC calculation in complex systems by providing a fresh set of correction factors (Cf) and Management capacities (Mc) and provides all possible values for calculating space for the displacement(V/A) of tourists in different types of destinations.
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