What Insights Does Service Quality Gap Analysis Offer for the Wellness Tourism Sector in Kerala?
Wellness Tourism, Ayurveda, Expectation, Perception, Service Quality, Satisfaction, KeralaAbstract
The quality of services in tourism is one of the aspects of the industry that has drawn more academic attention. The empirical study on the service quality and satisfaction of the wellness tourism sector is underexplored. The present study empirically examined the expectations and perceptions of service quality in wellness centres, assessed the level of satisfaction of tourists, and identified the factors influencing service quality and satisfaction. The study has been conducted among selected Ayurvedic resorts in Kerala. The data were collected by distributing questionnaires to tourists who had used wellness treatments. The research outcome shows a discrepancy between wellness tourists' expectations and perceptions of service quality. There is a negative gap in the service quality of wellness centres; the perception level of wellness centres is lower than expected. Recommendations to reduce the gap and sustainable business practices have been discussed. Being synonymous with Ayurveda, Kerala serves as a crucial focal point in the tourism industry, and the wellness tourism sector plays a pivotal role in enhancing the state's tourism landscape. Bridging the negative gap in this aspect can significantly boost guest flow and contribute to the overall growth of Kerala's tourism industry. By recognizing the determinants of service quality and implementing sustainable business practices, these resorts can provide tourists with authentic and enriching wellness experiences while conserving the region's cultural and ecological heritage.
Keywords: Wellness tourism, Ayurveda, Expectation, Perception, Service Quality, Satisfaction, Kerala. Sustainable Development.
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