Heritage Trail will revitalise the livelihood of Palmyra Palm-based rural communities in Tamil Nadu, India


  • Preethi H Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management, SEMIS, Mizoram University, Aizwal, Mizoram, India, 796004
  • Rajesh Ramasamy Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management, SEMIS, Mizoram University, Aizawl, Mizoram, India




Palmyra Palm, Walking trails, Heritage routes, Livelihood opportunity, Special Interest and experential Tourism, Heritage tourism


The Palmyra palm tree, called the Tree of Life, provides numerous edible and inedible benefits. It Provides livelihood opportunities for large, underprivileged communities. The present study explores two heritage walk routes, the Palmyra Safari, connecting distinct landscapes of the Kanyakumari district. Moreover, The Palmyra Trail connects diverse religious groups in the Thoothukudi district. These trails were developed in collaboration with government organisations and local communities to attract tourists with special interests. The techniques used to gather primary data, design the itinerary, and document stakeholders' opinions and experiences on the Heritage Trail routes include the Delphi technique, field observation, interviews with the local community, and familiarisation trips. The findings reveal that local communities, tourists, and experts have positive experiences with the trail. The practical implications highlighting the revitalisation of the local community's socio-economic status, reduction of Palmyra-based product adulteration, and creation of authentic experiences and awareness among tourists were established through the itinerary model. The results suggest that the model's success lies in its ability to engage local communities, provide them with a sustainable source of income, and preserve their cultural heritage. By offering genuine experiences to tourists, the model fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation of Palmyra’s significance. The findings support the model's improvement and recommendation to the Tamil Nadu State Forest Department and the Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Corporation working committee for further development and promotion.


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How to Cite

H, P., & Ramasamy, R. (2025). Heritage Trail will revitalise the livelihood of Palmyra Palm-based rural communities in Tamil Nadu, India. Atna Journal of Tourism Studies, 20(1). https://doi.org/10.12727/ajts.33.10