Green Trust and Environmental Concern's Influence on Gen Z's Organic Food Consumption:
Exploring Consumption Value Dynamics
Environmental concern, Organic food, Generation Z, Theory of Consumption Values, Green trustAbstract
This study looks at how Consumption Values (CVs) affect Gen Z tourists' intentions to buy organic food. It also examines how Environmental Concerns (EC) act as a mediator and the moderating role of Green Trust (GT) in the relationship. The study analysed data from 550 Gen Z tourists using structural equation modelling (SEM) in SPSS 26 to investigate the links between CVs, EC, and OFPI. At the same time, moderation analysis was conducted through PROCESS Macro to examine the role of GT. The findings reveal that CVs significantly influence OFPI, with EC playing a mediating role and Green Trust (GT) influencing the strength of the relationship between EC and OFPI. The practical implications for marketers and policymakers include emphasising both the utilitarian and socio-emotional benefits of organic food consumption to engage Gen Z tourists effectively. Fostering Green Trust can further enhance sustainable behaviour, making it crucial for businesses to build trust around environmentally friendly practices. This research deepens the understanding of sustainable consumption behaviours and aids in developing models to guide future interventions promoting sustainable tourism choices.
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