The Impact of Tourist Satisfaction on Loyalty in Ecotourism Destination: A Mediation Approach


  • Arabinda Sarangi Guru Nanak Institute of Hotel Management, Panihati. Kolkata, West Bengal, India – 700114
  • Prosenjit Ghosh Marwadi University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India – 360003



Travelers are increasingly interested in ecotourism in India, which, though still niche. It is becoming significant for environmental and societal well-being. Tourist satisfaction is vital for tourist loyalty and repeat visits. This paper examines factors affecting tourist satisfaction and tourist loyalty in ecotourism of Sundarbans, which is the largest delta in the world. Data were gathered by a questionnaire-based survey from travellers in Sundarbans, India, employing systematic sampling. The hypotheses were examined using covariance-based structural equation modelling and the mediation method. Findings from 468 tourists highlighted the effect of ecotourism dimensions i.e. reliability, service quality, destination image, price, and tourist facilities on tourist loyalty, with tourist satisfaction playing a key mediating role. To boost tourist loyalty, ecotourism destinations should enhance their destination image, reliability, service quality, facilities, and affordability. Insights from this study will help the stakeholders of Sundarbans tourism to understand tourists' satisfaction and loyalty levels, and suggest strategies for improving tourism infrastructure and services to encourage future progress.


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How to Cite

Sarangi, A., & Ghosh, P. (2025). The Impact of Tourist Satisfaction on Loyalty in Ecotourism Destination: A Mediation Approach. Atna Journal of Tourism Studies, 20(1).