Exploring the Key Drivers of Exceptional Dining Experiences: A Study of Eateries Along National Highway 44
Perceived Service Quality, Dining Establishments, National Highway 44, Customer Satisfaction, Hospitality IndustryAbstract
This study delves into the crucial factors that influence perceived service quality at dining establishments along National Highway 44. Utilizing a comprehensive survey and data analysis, the research identifies four primary factors affecting customer satisfaction and overall service quality. Among these factors, Quality of Services and Amenities emerged as the most significant, accounting for the highest variance at 49.608%, while Operational & Dining Efficiency contributed the least with a variance of 2.512%. By examining existing literature and aligning the findings with established service quality models, such as the SERVQUAL model, this research offers valuable insights for eating outlets and the government to enhance service quality along National Highway 44. The study's recommendations include prioritizing service and amenity improvements, employee training, ambiance enhancements, and government support in the form of infrastructure development, regulation enforcement, and local entrepreneur encouragement. By implementing these recommendations, dining establishments along National Highway 44 can elevate their service quality, boost customer satisfaction, and create memorable dining experiences for travelers.
Key words: Perceived service quality, Dining establishments, National Highway 44
Customer satisfaction, Hospitality industry
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