Published 2023-12-13
- Zinc Oxide nano particles,
- Carbaryl pesticide,
- photodegradation,
- Ultra Violet irradiation
Copyright (c) 2023

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Nano zinc oxide (ZnO) is a highly promising nano metal oxide that has found application in a wide range of areas, including fire retardancy, wrinkle reduction, and antimicrobial properties, among others. The wet chemical process was employed to synthesise nano zinc oxide, with Zinc nitrate hexahydrate as the precursor. The synthesised nano ZnO powder underwent characterization in order to determine its shape and physical properties and was employed for the purpose of photodegradation of a solution containing the Carbaryl insecticide. The experiment involved the utilisation of a set concentration of 5 ppm Carbaryl pesticide and a catalyst consisting of 5mg/L nano ZnO. The resulting mixture was then subjected to photodegradation through exposure to UV irradiation. The degradation of the pesticide was shown to occur at a rate of 95% within a 60-minute timeframe. The results demonstrate the significant photocatalytic degradation activity exhibited by the nano ZnO particles that were synthesised.
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